Wednesday, July 27, 2011

paper mache part 2

well...i put on another layer today of the paper mache...then went to ac moore to see what i could is what i came up with......three types of shredded paper some colorful, some wood pieces and sticks, some pom poms, and fake feathers.   i am stringing the stringed leather for hanging because i don't want to use something that could injure or wrap around their little bodies.  i bought crape paper for the outside and some non toxic elmers glue.  they may not be the prettiest when i'm done but the birds should love ripping and tearing. 
i spent a bit more on the stuff than i wanted to but still saved money by doing it this way.  mom just had to go over board yet again lmao.  i would have spent 65 to 100 dollars on premade pinata's and would have still had to fill them so i am figuring i got away cheap. 
was also thinking that making more around christmas time for all of them as gifts might be nice.  may enlist some help next time. 
hopefully pictures will be posted tomorrow.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

paper mache is for the birds....literally!

I have decided to make my own pinatas for all the birds....something special for them to play with that mommy made.  Have you priced a pinata for a kid or a bird?  WOW!  I have priced them at $15.00 and up.  Now i needed one for the cockatiels in the aviary, the green cheek conure, the other two conures and phoenix.  Of course, all in different sizes to accomidate each bird size.  So, for the cost of the balloons, flour, and cray paper i will have made five pinatas for maybe the cost of 1 pinata if that.  I have spare foot toys and will pick up some special treats for inside.  The picture above is only my first layer.  This could take a few days but in the end my babies will have something fun to play with that their momma made them. 
As i was blowing up the balloons and waiting for them to pop in my face (lol) i noticed every single bird in the house watching me.  So as i worked i talked to them all and told them what they were and that they were for them.  Misha, my pomeranian, quietly and intently sat in the chair next to the table watching me and listening.  I told him i would next make each of them a special one of their own to rip apart and that there would be some special treats and toys inside. 
So, i'll let them dry for today and put another layer on them tomorrow and then get into the store and get my cray paper and maybe some shredded stuff for the inside also.  I'm really enjoying this!

Saturday, July 16, 2011


my day started out pretty well....then i got tired...everyone had been so quiet and peaceful so i decided "maybe" (huh) i could get a little nap in.  I gingerly laid down on the couch hoping against hope that none of the birds would catch mommy napping and throw themselves into a hoopla tizzy!  all was well for about 5 minutes...count them with me 1..2...3...4...5....then....tick, tick, tick, tick, ........tick, tick, tick, tick.  (phoenix has this little plastic dog toy that he loves to slowly shake back and forth and make the legs fall to make a clicking sound)....tick, tick, tick.....dammit!!!!  all's quiet for a few minutes....tick, tick, tick.....
i pick myself up off the couch and stomp my way up the steps...litterally i might add, and throw myself into the bed and cover my head.  along comes ferret number 1.....up and over me to  my head where she procceds to sniff my eye lids to be sure i am asleep before making her way to my ankle and latching on!  ferret on the floor!   i lay there thinking "what the hell did i do to deserve not getting in a small friggin nap?"........i lay back down, again covering my head and bundling my ankles inside the blankets where said ferret number 1 can't get to them.  then the phoenix screaming starts....oh dear god!  i ignore it as long as humanly possible....then throw myself over the bed and down the steps i go.....making wildly for the coffee pot!