Wednesday, May 18, 2011

this one is about ferrets.....hope you enjoy!

Most of you know that we have three ferrets that we just love, I thought I’d make this post about them, along with a few facts about them. I have heard of some people that have had bad experiences with ferrets that have not been properly socialized or cared for and are now totally against them. If you leave a ferret in a cage without love and attention and proper care, that ferret is not going to appreciate the human touch at all. Like any other animal it needs these things. It is very important to the ferrets character and loving nature. Ours have never been and never will be caged.

Contrary to what some people believe, a ferret IS NOT A RODENT!!!! It upsets me when someone says they are rodents. They are mammals related to the weasel family.

They have a life span of 7 to 10 years and only weigh between 1.5 and 4 pounds.

In my experience, Ferret’s play like a cat, walk like a skunk and think they are a dog. With proper socialization they make wonderful pets and playmates to other pets. Although there are some no no’s. don’t let them play with your pet birds, rabbits, etc. These animals are prey to the ferret in the wild. Some people may think it would be really cute to introduce them to their pet mouse or hamster….don’t do that, most ferrets are great mousers and you most likely will not have your pet mouse or hamster. I am sure there are some exceptions to the rule but I just wouldn’t chance it.

Ever do the ferret shuffle? Lol, we do it all the time. If your ferrets have free run all the time like ours do then you learn to shuffle your feet along the floor as you walk. This guards against stepping on these curious little, under the feet, sweet and utterly lovable pets.

Our ferrets diet consists of marshalls ferret pellets in water in the morning and at night and a high quality mix of ferret pellets, and cat foods with no coloring. We also give a ferret supplement that comes in gel form which is very handy when trying to clip nails! If you have ever tried to clip a little ones nails then you know what I am talking about. Putting some of this gel on the upper side of your thumb allows you to hold the ferret while he eats and clip his nails with no problems.

These animals are very intelligent creatures also, they will figure out how to get something they want and usually won’t stop until they get it. There was a person that owned a ferret and the ferret wanted something so badly that she finally moved something in front of what she wanted so she could climb up on the object and get it.

Did I mention they are thieves??? Oh yes, if they want it, they will steal it. Most of the time you can find their stash easily but other times you have to hunt for the things they have stolen from you. Shiny objects are a big big thing. Watches, rings, etc….but I have found they like to steal our socks and shoes too. They love to pull the inserts out of shoes and run like hell with them. They are very comical and entertaining pets.

Ferrets are very susceptible to tumors. This is one of our biggest fears. We are so worried about the day we have a sick ferret. Removing the tumors do not guard against them coming back. I am up in the air about this subject. Do you keep removing the tumors or do you euthanize so the pet does not suffer at all? I guess that is something we will have to wait and see what happens. Doesn’t mean it will but it is a possibility. It will be a very sad day if we lose any of them to tumors.

I hope you have enjoyed this post, I enjoyed writing it. There is so much more I can add but I’ll leave it for another time.

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