Thursday, February 3, 2011

well, yesterday was a very trying day for my husband and i.  we got up to mikey (one of our dogs) not being able to breath or walk.  we rushed him to the vet and had to make that very difficult decision....his organs were shutting down and there was the question of a tumor.  we could have had blood work done and all kinds of things but we were not about to prolong his suffering knowing that because his organs were shutting down on him, there was nothing left that could really be done.  i held him in my arms, daddy and the wonderful vet talked softly to him and made him feel more at ease.  during the process douglas and i both wanted to say "STOP", don't put him down.  of course we knew what we had to do.  our poor dear was suffering and we needed to end it for him.  putting down any pet no matter what the size or what kind of pet is one of the most difficult things us pet lovers have to deal with.  my heart goes out to anyone who loses a beloved pet and yesterday mine broke.

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